Showing 25 Result(s)
The Chewgs

Interview / The Chewgs

Hello, ‘Let It Out’, your new single, where did the idea first come for this release?  People’s experiences during the pandemic seemed quite polarised. Some thrived on the more isolated environment, which was good for song writing by the way. Other however struggled a lot which impacted upon their mental health. This song was about …


Interview / Ervin Munir

Hello, Ervin, ‘She Never Made Old Bones’, can you tell our readers a little about what the track means? My wife died in 2017. So, this song is very close to my heart. The last verse/chorus in particular. At the time, and even now in the song, I reflect on the unfairness of it all. …

Gary Cox

Interview / Gary Cox From Von Venn

Hello, Gary. Big fan of ‘Constant Girl’, when did the idea come around for this release? Constant Girl is a basically a reflection on how it feels when you realise that you are in a relationship for the wrong reasons. Sometimes we find ourselves with someone we care about, but don’t really love in a …

Interview / Thomas Cole

Thomas, we are big fans of ‘Free Fallin’, can you tell our readers what to expect before they listen? “Well, first of all, Thank you so much! There’s something really special about this song – Nathanael and I had a lot of fun writing it and we really pushed ourselves vocally to make it the …

Thomas Atlas

Interview / Thomas Atlas

Hello, Thomas. Loving ‘Live From The Jam House’, when did the idea come around to record your show at the famous Jam House? Hey, so glad you guys are enjoying this new live record. I have always loved live albums and I know that they have a big place in people’s musical hearts. Capturing what …