Interview / James Sebastian

James Sebastian

Hello, James! If you could sum up ‘Life’s Tasting Good’, in one sentence, what would it be? 

A slick slice of sumptuous seventies summer.

Do you write the lyrics or the music first? 

It really depends what I’ve got on my person at the time. If I’m out and about and a lyric comes to me, I’m normally muttering to myself all the way home, looking like a bit of a nutter. But if I’ve got my guitar, I’ll be plucking away all day, looking like a bit of a nutter too. Either way, there’s a common denominator. 

What do you love most about London? 


What has been the highlight of your 2023 so far? 

The release of my latest single, “Life’s Tasting Good”. We’ve almost hit 3,000 Spotify streams in just over a month so it’s been a pretty successful time recently!

Any plans for more releases this year?

Well… there’s a whole EP to follow… stay tuned.