Showing 30 Result(s)
Spectral Display

Interview / Spectral Display

Hello, your new single, ‘Slowly,’ is a stand-out! Can you share with us the inspiration behind the song? ‘It Takes A Muscle To Fall In Love’ was more like a reggae song, this time we explored the ‘reggaeton’ genre. The rhythm and sensuality of that style fits very well with the atmosphere of the lyrics. …

Marsha Swanson

Interview / Marsha Swanson

Hello, Marsha. It is great to speak to you. The album cover for your new album, ‘Near Life Experience’ is a visual masterpiece designed by Storm Studios, known for their work with iconic artists like Pink Floyd and Led Zeppelin. How do you feel the artwork complements and enhances the depth of the musical content …

Ervin Munir

Interview / Ervin Munir

Hello, Ervin. Congratulations on the release of ‘Broken Compass’! What was the highlight of making his album? For me the highlight was receiving the physical CD in my hand. It felt like a milestone in my music career and it represented the culmination of so many mini highlights. ‘Broken Compass’ takes listeners on a journey …

Minna Ora

Interview / Minna Ora

Hello, Minna, the themes in your latest single ‘Storm’ explore intricate layers of human nature, delving into selfishness, greed, and the misuse of power. Can you tell us what inspired you to create a song around these challenging subjects? Hello, thank you for having me here. So, yes, ‘Storm’ tackles quite challenging subjects.  Yet, just …

Ervin Munir

Interview / Ervin Munir

‘Pick Up The Phone’ seems to push the boundaries of your signature folk style by incorporating elements of pop and indie. What inspired you to experiment with this new musical direction? I had been listening to some more contemporary acoustic guitar driven songs, including Mumford & Sons and some theme tunes from new Netflix offerings …

Luke Mock

Interview / Luke Mock

Luke, congratulations on the release of your new single, “What You Deserve.” Can you share with our readers the inspiration behind this song? Thank you so much! I created “What You Deserve” as a reflection on a past relationship where I felt unable to provide my partner with what they deserved, primarily due to the …

Marsha Swanson

Interview / Marsha Swanson

“Facing Life” is described as a compelling exploration of the bond between a mother and her daughter, intertwined with the fragility of life. Could you share the personal experiences or inspirations that led you to create such a poignant and emotionally resonant track? I was born two days after my Grandmother died. My Father was …

Francesca Luker

Interview / Francesca Luker

Congratulations on your upcoming single ‘Sunshine’! Could you tell us about the inspiration behind this song and what listeners can expect from it? At the time I wrote Sunshine, I was listening to a lot of 90s hip-hop- This inspired a new songwriting process for me, as I was captivated by the looped, jazzy riffs …


Interview / Cathy Mpaka

Hello, Cathy. ‘Distorted Heart’ seems to carry a deep emotional weight. Could you share the personal experiences or inspirations that led you to write this song? Hi! Yes, so DH was pretty much inspired by many movies that I watched growing up. I watched many romcoms that were randomly shown on TV & many love/heartbreak …

James Sebastian

Interview / James Sebastian

Hello, James! If you could sum up ‘Life’s Tasting Good’, in one sentence, what would it be?  A slick slice of sumptuous seventies summer. Do you write the lyrics or the music first?  It really depends what I’ve got on my person at the time. If I’m out and about and a lyric comes to …