Hello, Gary. Big fan of ‘Constant Girl’, when did the idea come around for this release?
Constant Girl is a basically a reflection on how it feels when you realise that you are in a relationship for the wrong reasons. Sometimes we find ourselves with someone we care about, but don’t really love in a full way. The reasons for being with them have more to do with taking rather than giving. Perhaps they fill a hole in your life for example, take away emptiness or give a sense of security. Being with them gives comfort but it’s not love.
Constant Girl is about suddenly realising this and the difficulties that presents…because now a choice has to be made.
Which artists inspire you most?
This is a difficult one…a huge list as I’m a lover of all kinds of music from all genres. I love artists that bring something different or have something to say. Some that pop off the top of my mind are Jeff Buckley, Thom Yorke/Radiohead,Joan as Policewoman, John Lennon, Damon Alburn, PJ Harvey, John Martyn, Fr John Misty, Beck. Lately I’ve been getting into the soundscapes created by artists like Melodies Echo Chamber, Khruangbin and Beachhouse.

How do you know when a song is complete?
Great question…. Sometimes songs are 15 minute wonders and arrive from the universe complete in structure, melody, lyrics etc. Others develop as you write, record and produce and they may end up quite different from the starting point. There can be a temptation to tweek forever! I think the end point is when you can say to yourself, yes..that creates the sound/atmosphere/feeling/message that I want to convey and I’ve given this my best effort.
When did you start writing music?
I remember being about 4 years of age sitting in a neighbours house plonking away on a piano trying to understand how it worked and trying to make nice sounds so I suppose that’s my first feeble effort. Like many kids I picked up a guitar later when I was 13 and that mixed with raging teenage hormones led to my first attempts at badly structured songs proclaiming love for whichever unlucky girl caught my eye that week!
What are you looking forward to most in 2023?
I’m definitely looking forward to releasing and promoting the album Jeanie is Out. It’s been a labour of love so I’m really happy to get it out there. A couple of tracks from the album, Ghost and Constant Girl have already been released. I hope the release of the full album will give listeners context for these tracks and allow them to hear other aspects of Von Venn. I also have a number of songs written for the follow up album which has yet to be named. I’m very excited to get into the studio and work through these new songs with the band in 2023.